After so many trips to display home centres, we decided to go with the Sherwood 37 by Clarendon, the original house we had seen and fallen in love with. We would have saved so much time and effort had we of just gone with our gut instinct, that we had already found our dream home, BUT as we are so indecisive, we had to visit many other display homes, just in case!
So here is a pic of what our home should look like, we've got bag & paint on the facade.
We only had one minor issue with the home design, and that was the size of the front bedrooms, which were going to be our boy's rooms. They were slightly on the smaller side. At our second tender appointment, our tender presenter advised us that we could in fact extend the front room upstairs, which would then extend both bedrooms by 1 metre. We were ecstatic!!
So the house is going to look more like the Sherwood 42 (see below pic), which is where we got most of our colour inspiration from.
Our house should look very similar to this. The only difference is we've picked the colour 'Dune' for our bag & paint effect and we have 'Woodland Grey' windows, so only time will tell how similar it will be!